- Hacker Emblem
- gwordlist: interesting data statistics project.
- stdin stdout markdown email
- Tabs or Spaces
- gvfs trash
- metadata - GIMP changelog
- msmtp dry run
- PDF URI scheme
- Vim persistent modelines
- Locales
- Keyboard layouts: a latex package would be nice too.
- Fonts: use Font Manager for GUI or fontpreview for CLI.
Keyboard layout art:
1$ grep '^// This layout is' -A17 /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us
2$ grep '^// This layout is' -A46 /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/fr
3$ grep 'de facto' -A14 /usr/share/nvim/runtime/doc/arabic.txt
Email criticisms
- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16088386
- https://www.latacora.com/blog/2019/07/16/the-pgp-problem/
List of wishlists
ROT13 is a special case of the [[Wikipedia:Caesar cipher|Caesar cipher]] where the algorithm encoding a message is the same as decoding it. It’s often used to hide spoilers, puzzle solutions, or offensive materials. To decode/encode a message simply use
$ tr ‘A-Za-z’ ‘N-ZA-Mn-za-m’
Or alternatively using python
$ python -c “import sys, codecs; print(codecs.encode(sys.stdin.read().strip(), ‘rot13’))”
which can also be done without external libraries
#!/bin/env python import sys for abcd in [“abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz”, “ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ”]: print(’’.join([abcd[(abcd.index(char) + 13) % 26] if char in abcd else char for char in sys.stdin.read().strip()]))
Other programs also have support for ROT13:
- [[Emacs]]: {{ic|M-x toggle-rot13-mode, M-x rot13-other-window, M-x rot13-region}}.
- [[Vim]]: {{ic|g?}}
- {{AUR|trn}}: {{ic|Ctrl-x}}
- {{AUR|tin}}: {{ic|Ctrl-x}}
- {{AUR|nn}}: {{ic|d}}
- mb2md - converts mbox to maildir
- munpack - extracts attachments from .eml file.
- pst2maildir
$ readpst -o ~/ArchivedMessages -D -j 4 -r -tea -u -w -m ./ArchiveBackup.pst
Taken from robseder.com